Let Me Reintroduce Myself..


With all the chaos in the world it can be hard to hear our own inner voice. You know that voice that reminds you who you really are. The one that guides you through life and the same voice that can easily get lost when we constantly doubt ourselves because everyone around us has an opinion.

I’m pretty sure I lost my voice for a while. I’m pretty sure I listened to external factors and allowed them to make me doubt not just who I was but my purpose. I had people telling me that my content doesn’t provide value and that I’m too extra, blah, blah, blah. Well thank you to those people for their unsolicited opinions. But I am now taking my true self back… so let me reintroduce myself...

My name is Katelyn and yes, I am a crazy, fun-loving, loyal, passionate, weightlifting, selfie taking, ratchet music listening, total badass Mommy/Personal Trainer/Fitness lifestyle influencer. My Instagram is my main platform for reaching my audience and I don’t sell you stuff that I don’t truly stand behind, I don’t curate my content, I don’t make money off my page, and most days truthfully I don’t know what I’m doing but somehow I get it all done.

So what exactly do I do? I share myself, the real, true, unedited Katelyn. I share my highs and my lows, I’ve shared my tears, my drunken moments, my kids, my clients, my body image struggles, 100000000000000 selfies and more. I love all these aspects of me but more importantly I love sharing my life with you.

And now the most important part, my why…

Although I was an athlete my whole life, my real fitness and inner strength journey didn’t begin until after my first pregnancy. I had a turbulent pregnancy that forced me to be on bed rest for over 3 months. Yup, for 3 months I sat in bed or on my couch, I was only allowed to get up to use the restroom when needed and shower for 5 minutes a day. Over that time period I gained over 70lbs (I was 204lbs at the time of her birth) and lost all muscle mass. About 8 weeks after my daughter was born, before her first swim lesson, I vividly remember standing in front of my bedroom mirror and crying, sobbing hysterically to be exact. I had to get in a bathing suit and get in the pool with her and I was the heaviest I had ever been. None of my pre-baby bathing suits fit so I wore a sports bra, shorts and one of my ex husband’s tank tops. I stood in the mirror looking at myself and the tears just kept falling. I felt terrible about myself and I knew this was not the way I wanted to live. I fell into a bad depression in the weeks following. I covered myself in baggy clothing and barely left the house. This was NOT me and that inner voice inside was screaming at me to come back to life. This is where my journey began.

I’ve shared about how I found macros here, and that was when I began bodybuilding as well. The combination changed my life forever. I was able to successfully loose all the weight I gained and keep it off during my next pregnancy as well as bounce back quickly from baby #2. Since then I have been able to live life full of vacations, treat meals, celebrations and more all while maintaining the physique that helps me feel like my best confident self.

Now what Katelyn? Well, that’s the thing, this journey is my what, my why and my how. It is my purpose in life. After I was able to find my true inner strength I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever I could to make sure that no other woman has to feel what I felt that day standing in the mirror crying. I wanted to scream from mountain tops that I found the way to regain your self love and confidence from the inside out. It was at that point that I left my 6 figure corporate job to pursue my dream of empowering women as a personal trainer. I also left a horribly controlling marriage where I wasn’t supported. So here I was alone, starting a new career but guess what? I’ve never looked back. And the best part? I’ve never been happier.

My calling, my purpose and my why is to empower women to be their best self, to find their inner strength, and to shine bright like the beautiful diamonds they all are. That’s it, it’s that simple. So when you see my selfies and you think it’s out of vanity, or you think there’s no value behind it, let me say here today that behind that selfie is a woman who fought for the confidence to take that selfie and I will post them proudly in hopes that just one will help another woman find her own self love. And my mission is never ending. I am here posting this blog and sharing my struggles daily to help each of you find your own inner strength and self love.

Remember you are amazing and you deserve to feel strong and empowered to love yourself and never let anyone tell you or make you feel differently. You got this and I’m here cheering for you today and everyday.