5 Steps to Beat the Bloat and Get Back on Track!


Thinking about all the food I ate yesterday and I've decided to fully embrace it! I think it's healthy and part of a balanced life to enjoy holidays and treat yourself to days filled with lots of yummy food WITHOUT guilt! 

But the truth is once you've indulged a bit too much while celebrating you start to feel stuck or frustrated with getting back on track and we can all agree that the feeling of bloat just sucks. 

Here's some motivation for you with my five favorite, easily applicable tips you can do today to get back on track and get rid of the bloat fast!

1.) Drink LOTS of water! Water will help your body flush out toxins and will decrease bloating. Aim for a gallon a day! 

2.) GO TO THE GYM! Use those extra calories and carbs to fuel your workouts. This is not the time to skip training it's the time to go harder during your workout! It's also a great time for a sweaty cardio day or LEG DAY! 

3.) Throw out any leftovers. It's too easy to grab that leftover piece of pie if it's sitting in your fridge so do yourself a favor and toss it right now! 

4.) MEAL PREP and keep it clean. After a big indulgence I always encourage my clients (and myself) to start back with clean simple meals to reset your body and help phase out any cravings. This means lots of lean proteins, veggies (fiber), clean carbs and of course your protein shakes to make sure you hit your protein goal for the day!

5.) Move as much as possible. Take the time to get in some extra steps. Staying active will rev up your metabolism, burn extra calories and it's just fun.

Finally, don't forget we are all human and part of enjoying this beautiful life we live is the balance between healthy living and indulging once in a while. Today is a perfect day to smile at the fun you had while turning your focus back to your fitness goals. Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and I hope this helps you get back on track today. 


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