30 Days to Our Best Selves


Summer time is around the corner and I don’t know about you but I am ready for summer 2019 to be full of happiness, health and fun in the sun.

I haven’t been feeling myself the last month or so and decided what I need is an amazing group of people to join me for 30 days and come together to push each other, support each other and focus on being our best healthiest selves!

Here’s the deal, for the next 30 days I am committing to the following:

·      Clean eating (I personally track macros but it’s not necessary to join. If you do need a coach I’m always here to help just email me and let’s get you started!)
·      Drink 1 gallon of water per day.
·      Workout 5-6 days a week.
·      6-8 hours a sleep a night.
·      No alcohol.
·      5-10 minutes of meditation/journaling/prayer/mindfulness per day.

Want to join me for these amazing next 30 days? Sign up here and let’s do this!

I got my body fat scanned again and I am currently at 18% body fat, my goal at the end of these 30 days is to get back to 13% body fat which is where I personally feel my best. I highly suggest you set a tangible goal for yourself for these 30 days. It doesn’t have to be body fat percentage but setting an achievable goal will help you stay motivated and give you something to celebrate at the end!

As promised I am going to share my grocery list, what I eat every day and my workout plan so here goes! 

Grocery list:
(Here is what I buy regularly, I don’t eat any processed foods, dairy or gluten. See my post from January here. I have stuck to this whole food style of eating and I love it!)


Almond milk & almond milk coffee creamer
Green apples
Red bell peppers
White onion
Sweet potatoes
99% fat free ground turkey
Egg whites
Almond butter
Peanut butter
Fat free oil spray


Black pepper
Spicy mustard
Taco Bell sauce

John’s Killer Protein Isloate Whey
John’s Killer Protein Proats (protein oatmeal)
John’s Killer Protein flavor packs (Spanish Horchata and Crème Brule)
Vital Protein Matcha

*Remember when ordering any John’s Killer Protein products use code KatelynC for 10% off and free shipping!

And that’s it! I swear I keep it simple and easy to eliminate any added stress from my food.

Now on to what I eat daily. Again please remember these are targeted to my macros but it can give you an idea of what/how to eat.

Protein Pancakes with peanut butter
Matcha latte

4oz of protein (either chicken or ground turkey)
3oz of veggies

4oz of protein (either chicken or ground turkey)
3oz of veggies

1/2 cup protein oatmeal
1/2 cup blueberries
1 green apple
3oz baked sweet potatoes
1 hard boiled egg
1 protein shake after my workout
1 protein ice cream treat before bed

And yes, I eat the same thing every day. I do give myself one treat meal every week not a cheat but a treat and it’s just one meal.

And now the best part… the workouts!

Remember I am a bodybuilder and so my workouts are bodybuilding focused. Here’s my schedule for the next 30 days. (I highly suggest if you are new to weightlifting that you work with a personal trainer to get started. If you’re in SF I can help you with that!)

Monday – High Intensity Cardio, Chest & Tricep Day
Tuesday – Low Intensity Cardio, Leg & Glute Day
Wednesday – High Intensity Cardio, Back & Bicep Day
Thursday – Low Intensity Cardio, Shoulder and Core Day
Friday – Low Intensity Cardio, Leg & Glute Day
Saturday – High Intensity Cardio
Sunday – Rest day

And finally, there are two things a lot of people forget when doing a fitness program or challenge and that’s your sleep and mental well being. The body is a delicate ecosystem that needs to be properly cared for from the inside out. Make sure you are getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night and taking a minimum of 5-10 minutes each day to meditate, practice mindfulness or pray.

So that’s it that is my plan for the next 30 days. I hope you all join me and let’s get summer time fine. I don’t know about you but I am so ready to push myself and all of you to be our best selves!


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