5 Fit Tips for Surviving Holiday Parties This (and EVERY) Holiday Season


It’s that time of year and as the holiday party invitations start rolling in we all try to avoid the unwanted lbs that come with them.

Here’s my simple list of 5 things you can do to make sure you stay on track this Holiday Season.

1.)   Alway assess your food options. Fully scope the room and all the food options before you start eating. This goes for buffets, passed appetizers, dessert tables, and more. Making sure to see what’s available before you start eating will allow you to make the best possible choices and not start eating something only to find you really wanted the next option more which leads to over eating.

2.)   Make smart choices. This one should go without saying but picking the healthy options will save you room for #4 & #5 below! This means looking for the high protein options like chicken skewers or mini meatballs and of course that famous veggie platter is a great choice minus the dressings and dips.

3.)   Check in with the host ahead of time. If you’re like me and the stress and worry about #1 & #2 is too much for you then simply send the host a quick email or text and find out what the menu options will be. If nothing meets your healthy standards then guess what? You can be just like me and bring your own food, or even better offer to bring a healthy option for the whole party and you never know it might just end up being the hit of the party!

4.)   Save some extra calories and carbs throughout your day for alcohol. Yup that’s right, even as a nutrition coach I know that for most people a couple glasses of wine or cocktails is inevitable at these fun gatherings so here’s my three mini tips for alcohol consumption:

a.     Plan ahead and eat lighter on carbs earlier in the day which saves them for alcohol. (but remember alcohol is empty calories).

b.     For every 1 glass of alcohol drink 2 glasses of water or sparking water before your next drink and then limit yourself to no more than 3-4 drinks.

c.     Make smart drink choices that means avoid the beer, avoid the juices and sodas for chasers and mixers and no frilly mixed drinks. Your best option? Your alcohol of choice + soda water and a lime or vino of course!

5.)   Pick 1 dessert choice and have 3 bites. Yes that’s right have 3 amazing bites and enjoy every second of it. After your third bite immediately pop in a piece of sugar free gum and walk away from the dessert table. (Are you hearing a pattern here with me? Sugar free gum will become your best friend).

So that’s it with this simple plan you can survive every holiday party that comes your way without the guilt that usually comes along with them. Also remember that during the holiday season it’s especially important to make sure to get in your daily workout. My favorite thing to do is get in a great leg day before a big holiday party, you’ll look extra amazing in that party dress (or suit) and you will feel strong and ready to stay on track!

Happy Holiday party season from me to you. If you try these tips let me know how they worked for you and please share with your friends too

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