Top 10 Tips for Staying on Track While Traveling!

So you’re traveling for the holidays, going on a business trip or even better… vacation but you’re worried about staying on track during the craziness of travel. Well don’t worry I am here with my tried and proven tips to help you stay on track while also having a little balance especially if you’re on vacation!

Here’s a little hint… plan ahead and prep!


My Top 10 Travel Tips

1.)   Protein, protein, protein! I always travel with protein powder (yes you can bring it through TSA) and I always order protein focused meals while traveling. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for custom orders (I am ALWAYS that customer) order the egg whites or ask for the piece of grilled chicken with a side of veggies, it’s ok and it’s TOTALLY normal these days. Making sure to hit your protein goal daily will ensure you maintain your muscle mass and will keep you nice and full so you can avoid thinkless travel snacking.

2.)   Plan your days, yes I know that might sound crazy while traveling but in this case I don’t mean enter in all your meals like you would at home just plan ahead a little. For example if you know you’re going out for a fancy dinner then plan your other meals lighter or if you are going to a big brunch use google or yelp to find a protein smoothie place near by for dinner.

3.)   Drink tons of water, yes I recommend this at home as well but try to double your water intake while traveling. This is important for so many reasons but most importantly to help with bloating and all the extra sodium used at restaurants.

4.)   Save your carbs for ALCOHOL yes that’s right have some fun on vacation it’s called BALANCE! So for meals opt for fruits and veggies as your sides and skip the breads, tortillas, rice and other carb heavy options. Egg whites, protein smoothies or Greek yogurt are great breakfast options. Salads (with no croutons or other toppings), grilled chicken, fish or burgers with no buns are great lunch and dinner options.

5.)   Plan a fun cheat meal, NOT a cheat day just ONE cheat meal. Is there a really amazing restaurant you want to try or a special dish you’ve been looking forward to? Then go have it! But limit it to one per trip. This will allow you to indulge without going over board.

6.)   Share desserts! Order one for the table and have no more than 3 bites. This way you get to taste the yumminess without the guilt.

7.)   Travel with sugar free gum. Yup this is actually one of my every day tricks but it applies to travel as well. Chew gum at the restaurant before your meal comes so you don’t feel tempted to eat the bread or chew a piece after your 3 dessert bites so you don’t eat more. It really helps I promise.

8.)   This isn’t a nutrition tip but it should go without saying… stay active while you travel. Walk while sightseeing, take a local fitness class, go for a run or hit the hotel gym. Even a quick 30 minute sweat will help keep the vacation lbs off and help you feel amazing with the endorphin rush as an added bonus!

9.)    Scope out the closest chain coffee shop (ie Starbucks, Peets, etc.) they all carry easy on the go healthy high protein snacks for when you need to quickly grab something. Examples are Greek yogurts, hard boiled eggs, single serve almond butter packs, fresh fruit and beef jerky.

10.) Include your travel mates! Get every one on board with the healthy travel lifestyle. It’s always easier to do things together so once you have a buddy you can hold each other accountable, support each other and go get those vacation workouts in together!

These small adjustments I made to my usual trips and they have really made a big difference for me when traveling. Don’t get me wrong, I still come home bloated and that’s ok, remember it’s life and we need balance and we need to enjoy the fun times like vacations. Once you’re home get right back to your usual routine, look at all your amazing pictures and start planning your next vacation! I will also share my quick after vacation detox tricks in an upcoming post so stay tuned for that.

Happy traveling!








Katelyn Ribero