How Macros Can Change Your Life


The world of nutrition is a crazy place where I’m pretty sure everyone is lost looking for the right “thing” for them. It feels like everywhere you turn there’s a new expert raving about a new fad diet, quick fix or swear they have the BEST program. You probably don’t know what’s right for you, whether you can stick to some “crazy” plan, or even how to get started. I will be the first to tell you that you are NOT alone. Let me share a little bit about my past and experience in the world of nutrition, my program and finally how I can help you with your 2019 goals.


Rewind 5 years ago, I was a new mother of two kids under 2, I was over 40% bodyfat (see before picture above), I was depressed hiding under baggy clothes and looking in the mirror unhappy about with what I saw. I told myself over and over again that I did not want to feel this way anymore and that I wasn’t going to be the mom covered up at the beach with my kids. I wanted to feel beautiful and sexy, I wanted to feel good in my skin and more importantly I wanted my children to grow up with a mother who radiated confidence and self-love. I knew how I wanted to feel but I had no clue how to get there or where to start. I immediately started with all I knew, clean eating, I began eating chicken and brown rice for lunch and dinner with some fruits as snacks and oatmeal for breakfast. It seemed healthy right? Well sure it was “healthy” but it wasn’t sustainable, I would get so sick of eating the same boring thing that I would binge on the weekends out of rebellion and guess what? Clean eating didn’t work for me. Next, I hopped on the no carb, high fat diet fad. I drank the butter in my coffee, I ate the bacon, and I missed my carbs TERRIBLY. So what happened? I lost like 10lbs right away in the first month, that was amazing but again, I just could not stick to it. I was grumpy and tired and I missed my carbs. So what came next? A few months of good old starvation, sure I could live off 1000 calories a day and do an hour of cardio and that would work right? Nope that failed miserably too. Finally after a 6 month battle of endless fad diets (including drinking “fit teas” and taking crazy pills) and complete desperation I thought I was doomed to be overweight and unhappy for life… I had turned into exactly what I dreaded before pregnancy.

 It was at this point my life changed forever (yes that sounds dramatic but it’s the truth… it completely changed). I was introduced to the world of tracking macros. I found a coach on social media she was amazing, taught me so much and held me accountable. I learned what macros are, how to track them, and how to “hit my macros” everyday. The process was overwhelming at first like anything new you learn and then one day it just clicked and I became a pro. Right around that time my body started changing and about 6-7 months into the process I was down to 20% bodyfat and I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt. The best part of the whole process was that it was sustainable. For the first time EVER I was able to actually stick to a program, I wasn’t starving or miserable, there were no restrictions and I was eating all my favorite foods. I completely fell in love with macro tracking and I wanted to share this amazing nutrition tool with the whole world because I never wanted another woman (or man) to feel as sad, depressed, and helpless about their health goals as I once had felt. So I took my love for macros became certified and the rest is history. I am now coaching people all over the country and helping them gain a better understanding of their bodies and reach their goals while building a healthy relationship with food.

If any of this resonates with you, you are not alone and guess what? I can help you! I can help you fall in love with macros like I did, I can help you reach your goals and I can help you better understand your body and build a healthy relationship with food. Let’s start with some basics:

 So what are macros? “Macros” is short for macronutrients and they make up the caloric content of a food. The three categories of macronutrients are carbohydrates, fat, and protein and the combination of these macros are where the total number of calories in our food comes from. Our bodies need all three of these major nutrients and the proper ratio of the three is the key to helping your body function, feel and look it’s best. The best way to figure out the right macro ratio and caloric amount for your body and your goals is to work with a macros coach (this is where I come in!) Having a good macros coach will assure you are getting the right numbers, holds you accountable, and supports you through the ups and downs and teaches you tips and tricks. If you’re ready to learn more and reach your goals this year here’s how I can help:

Starting in January I will be accepting 20 new clients into a newly designed 8 week macro program. In the program you will learn how to track macros, get weekly personalized macros, a tracking spreadsheet we share to track your progress, my 40+ page PDF guide to the macros lifestyle and FAQ, membership to my private Instagram page with daily tips and stories from me and the best part you will finally feel empowered, educated and prepared to reach your goal without the frustration and confusion. Sign up starts right now and it’s first come, first serve. The 8 week program costs $480 and you can sign up here.

I really hope you enjoyed learning more about my journey, my passion and I look forward to helping you reach your goals in 2019.

Remember the macros lifestyle is NOT a diet, it’s a healthy lifestyle and it’s sustainable for any way of eating (i.e vegan, vegetarian, etc) also remember there is no right or wrong way to eat so as always do what’s best for you and your body!









Katelyn Ribero1 Comment